I discovered that the Youtube links in posts were not displaying in IE6.
My first step was to check that the page was valid XHTML. The results were not pretty, 84 errors and 21 warnings 🙁
For many years I was almost paranoid about standards compliance and spent many long hours making sure that the site complied to the published standards, with the revision of the site I was less vigilant.
I have now corrected the problems, which were mainly around how Youtube videos are added to posts and the code used in the freeware adverts.
The page now validates to XHTML strict and guess what? It doesn’t display properly in IE6 or 7 now.
I’ve seen the time when I would have tweaked and modified the code to make it work and be compliant but now I am not prepared to spend time ‘fixing up’ the problems of Internet Explorer. If you want to see the site as it is intended then please use Firefox, or Safari or Opera, in fact any browser that supports web standards.
Sadly you will need Internet Explorer to cope with the large number of non standard sites out there but I would urge you to take the time to explore these other browsers.
The site is use-able with IE5 and 6 but it is not as I have intended it to be.