A little journey

There is a lot of good harmonica music out there this month. This post is a tour through just a few of them and with a little detour into the past as well.

I want to start with Chritelle Berthon and a you tube video posted this month,in this video there is a picture with Christelle and Adam Gussow, Ben Bouman and Jean_Jaques Milteau.

Let’s start with Awesome Girl, the video from Christelle.

If you don’t see the video above try this link

Now the journey continues

Adam Gussow spent some time in Europe this Autumn and prior to the coaching session in France, where the photo was taken, he spent some time with Ben Bouman in Holland and they recorded a version of Stone Fox Chase, one of my all time favourite harmonica pieces and here it is.

If you don’t see the video above try this link

Now for Jean Jaques Milteau with the Louis Armstrong Classic Wonderful World

If you don’t see the video above try this link

The Journey continues with Nat Riddles and Charlie Hilbert, here are Adam and Charlie doing the Nat Riddles Jump.

If you don’t see the video above try this link

More to come, watch this space!

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