Was that 2008?

Perhaps it is a bit early for New Year resolutions but the past year has been interesting to say the least.

As for many of us, 2008 saw some fun times, some inspirational moments and some pretty horrible times and, if I’m being honest, I am glad to see it drawing to an end.

So what about 2009 ?

This year I made my first venture with the harp outside the woodshed, albeit to a family audience but at least I have made the first tentative steps towards a public performance.  Before the end of next year I want to get some performances out there, probably harmonicajam.com, just to start getting some feedback on what I am doing.  That’s the biggie for me.

As for the rest I just hope not to take things for granted, be grateful for what is and not become obsessed with what could be.  I think getting a cap from your wife on your birthday with “Grumpy Old Man” emblazoned on the front is a not so subtle hint in that direction, although to be fair she also got me set of harmonicas, not bad for someone who lives within painful earshot of the ‘woodshed’ 🙂

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