
Jason Ricci and Brady Mills have recently opened a new site focusing on harmonica, see the press release below.

Jan 22, 2009 – HarmonicaSpace, the world’s fastest growing social network for Harmonica Players, announces the website’s release to the public. Today’s announcement underscores HarmonicaSpace’s commitment to fostering accessible education and promoting musical growth through an increasingly social Web.

“HarmonicaSpace was built with the goal of connecting harmonica players of all musical styles and providing the tools to learn and grow” said Brady Mills, Chief Executive Officer of Brady Mills Graphics and founder of HarmonicaSpace. “The aim of this site is to connect all the various educational resources for Harmonica available on the Internet, further the bond of the harmonica community, and provide the tools to continue the growth of the instrument on a global platform.”

“As the site grows and gains popularity, HarmonicaSpace will add additional educational resources including video tutorials” said Mills. “We’re thrilled to present this exciting new tool to the harmonica community. This new venture is extremely exciting for us and we are very happy with the response we have received during our Soft Launch and look forward to the growth of the site.” The launch of HarmonicaSpace is the first release of a social network of it’s type directly themed at the harmonica and it’s players.

HarmonicaSpace has created a globally interactive community. HarmonicaSpace is the only site of its kind for harmonica players and is committed to providing the highest quality user experience. HarmonicaSpace will continue to evolve, adding more new features that allow its members to express their creativity, knowledge and experience and share their lives, both online and off.

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About HarmonicaSpace
HarmonicaSpace, a unit of Brady Mills Graphics, is the premier social portal for connecting with harmonica players, discovering popular culture, and making a positive impact on the music community. By integrating web profiles, instant messaging, e-mail, music streaming, photo galleries, and member forums, HarmonicaSpace has created a connected community. HarmonicaSpace is the most highly regarded site of its kind and is committed to providing the highest quality member experience. HarmonicaSpace will continue to innovate with new features that allow its members to express their creativity and share their lives, both online and off.

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