is a web based application that enables you to effectively implement a G.T.D. system with all the basics ready made for you. With the ability to link to your email accounts and Evernote it provides a very powerful GTD management system. But don’t be misled you don’t need to be a G.T.D. proponent to get benefit from this app, it is a powerful tool that will enable you to collect and organise all your information from one place.
I have been using IQTell, currently in beta testing, since October 2012. To me it has many unique qualities that have kept me committed to the application as it has developed and has led to it being my main G.T.D. tool.
Firstly is is pretty much an “off the shelf” solution. You can quickly get things set-up. Connecting to existing e-mail accounts, calendars, contacts and Evernote is quick and easy. Templates for Task lists, projects, tickler files, next actions etc. are already in place so you can get up and running very quickly.
Even if you are note planning on implementing a G.T.D. system the application provides you with a powerful way of consolidating your information is one place. The Dashboard image above can give you some idea of this. From this one screen you can access E-mail, contacts and calendars from multiple sources in the one place.
IQtell is also well on the way to ubiquitous with clients for Web, IOS and Android.
Another useful tool is the EZ bar extension for Chrome which allows you to add items and clip web pages to IQTell at any time when you are using the browser.
It is also worth mentioning that you can also collaborate with other user sharing tasks and projects with individuals or groups.
I mentioned above that IQTell is ready to use off the shelf, but that is just the start. IQTell is extremely configurable and give you the ability to modify the existing interface and develop your own forms and macros so you can tailor the application to your own individual needs.
One of the key areas where I feel that IQTell excels is in the area of customer training and support. Any queries I have had have been dealt with quickly and effectively. The training material available includes built in tutorials and a wealth of videos stepping you through various aspects of the application. They also run occasional Webinars that allow you to interact with IQTell staff. You can see much of there material in the Knowledge Base.
I still use notebooks to collect tasks and physical inbox for processing physical items but everything is committed to either Evernote for reference and IQTell for everything else.
You can apply for your free account at IQTell
G.T.D. is a registered trademark of the David Allen Company. IQTELL.COM, IQ The Virtual Workplace, IQ Cube, Mr. Smooth & Mr. Stumble are registered trademarks of IQTELL.COM, LLC. is not affiliated to either organisations.