Category Archives: General

Where did the time go?

It has dawned on me that I am 24 months from State Retirement Age. That crept up quicker than I thought and does beg the question, where did the time go? Pity, it coincides with high inflation and near-zero growth … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

A happy New Year to everyone. 2015 was not one of my favourites, hoping for a better 2016. Enjoy

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40 years of programming

It been 40 years since my first experience of programming as an undergraduate at Strathclyde University. It was very different experience from today, to begin with programs were written on punched cards prepared on punch card machine with no delete, … Continue reading

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Fast few months

Over 4 months since last post! Can’t believe it has gone so quickly. I have been contracting for the first time in 20 years and the time has just flown by. Everything has been, pretty much, on hold but the … Continue reading

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