Category Archives: Internet applications

40 years of programming

It been 40 years since my first experience of programming as an undergraduate at Strathclyde University. It was very different experience from today, to begin with programs were written on punched cards prepared on punch card machine with no delete, … Continue reading

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Free 15GB of cloud storage and 5GB bonus. are offering 15GB of cloud storage for free. I have been really impressed by the system.   There are clients for android, IOS Mac,  Windows and Linux. I am using the client to sync between Windows, Android and … Continue reading

Posted in Freeware, Fun Stuff, General, Internet applications | Tagged | Leave a comment

Encrypting the cloud

The opportunity to use free cloud storage is becoming easier and easier, with services such as Dropbox, Google Drive to mention but two.  The convenience of having your information easily available where ever you are and on multiple devices such … Continue reading

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